Sunday, August 19, 2012

Couch to 5K - Week 1, Workout 3

Week 1, Workout 3 - Sunday August 19, 2012

I'm going to be honest, tonights workout was a struggle for me. Sunday's are my boyfriend and my lazy day where we just lounge around and spend some quality time together. So going from that relaxed state all day to kicking my butt in gear at night took some motivation. But I knew I would regret not going tonight, especially because I did have a couple days off. So I went through with it and I'm really glad I did. I always feel so accomplished and good after a workout, I just need to remember that when I'm trying to think up excuses why I shouldn't go! Tonights workout was the same as the two previous ones. It was probably the toughest of the three so far. But I'm nervous for the next one, where I need to run for 90 seconds! Ahh I'm already counting down the last 30 seconds of my 60 second run. But that challenge is what is going to get me results! 

Happy Living!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Couch to 5K - Week 1, Workout 2

Week 1, Workout 2 - Thursday August 16, 2012

This is the second workout to the running plan and it went relatively the same as the first one. I was still a little sore from the last workout, definitely the most in my inner thighs! Which is good, I love to feel the burn makes me think something is working! I found the time went by much faster this time around, after 25 minutes I actually found myself thinking "that's it?!" This workout was the same as the first workout, again it's all about building myself up slowly. My workout playlist definitely kept me motivated throughout! I definitely feels good to be sticking to a plan though, having the routine helps a lot for me. So far so good, and I'm looking forward to continuing!

Happy Living!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Couch to 5K - Week 1, Workout 1

Week 1, Workout 1 - Tuesday August 14, 2012

I started the Couch to 5K Running Plan today because I knew if I put it off I would just keep thinking up excuses not to start it. I generally go to the gym at night around 8 or 9, just how I've always done my workouts. Plus we usually have the gym downstairs to ourselves, which is never a bad thing! I say 'we' since my boyfriend Chris and I always workout together. It's good because we motivate each other to get up and get going. It's usually him motivating me to go but i'm sure we all have those days! To start off I did just a few easy stretches to wake up my muscles. Then I did a 5 minute warm up walk, which was easy, I had my workout playlist going which was great! Then I moved onto starting 20 minutes of alternating between a 60 second run and a 90 second walk. It was smooth sailing at the beginning, I was definitely enjoying the walking but the running after about 5 minutes was definitely straining for me. But I kept motivated and pushed through to the 25 minute mark! Then I added in a 5 minute walk at the end to cool down and get my heart rate down. Finally I finished off with some stretching. I felt great after, just knowing that it was challenging and I pushed through and finished it! I'll let myself recover for a day or two from running, but I'll still be doing weight training tomorrow night, and then on to workout 2! I'm really excited that I have made the first step in the plan and can't wait to get further!

Happy Living!

Couch to 5K

As you can tell by the title of this post this isn't one of my usual beauty reviews/hauls, but rather it is my journey to becoming more fit and healthy! I'll be one of the first people to stand up and say that I loathe running. So much so that I used to do everything in my power to avoid the running tests in high school. However when I moved out to London and saw that our apartment was fitted with a gym downstairs, I made it my goal to start exercising more. After trying everything but running, from the eliptical to walking to incline walking and not really getting the results I was looking for, I realized maybe running could be the answer. I decided in order to get the results I wanted to see I needed to actually challenge myself, rather than just playing around in my comfort zone. I knew I would really have to ease myself into it, which is why I found The Couch to 5K Running Plan to be the perfect thing. It has you working out 3 times a week for 9 weeks. I plan on adding a couple workouts in between just with weight training and toning exercises as well. The first workout begins by warming up with a 5 minute walk for  and then alternating jogging for 60 seconds and walking for 90 seconds for a total of 20 minutes. Now by no means am I planning at this stage on running a 5K or any kind of marathon in the future, I still hate running, but never say never right? I plan on keeping a log on this blog concerning my progress and if this is something you also would want to give a try leave me a comment below! It's nice to know people are going through the same thing as you!

Happy Living!