Sunday, August 19, 2012

Couch to 5K - Week 1, Workout 3

Week 1, Workout 3 - Sunday August 19, 2012

I'm going to be honest, tonights workout was a struggle for me. Sunday's are my boyfriend and my lazy day where we just lounge around and spend some quality time together. So going from that relaxed state all day to kicking my butt in gear at night took some motivation. But I knew I would regret not going tonight, especially because I did have a couple days off. So I went through with it and I'm really glad I did. I always feel so accomplished and good after a workout, I just need to remember that when I'm trying to think up excuses why I shouldn't go! Tonights workout was the same as the two previous ones. It was probably the toughest of the three so far. But I'm nervous for the next one, where I need to run for 90 seconds! Ahh I'm already counting down the last 30 seconds of my 60 second run. But that challenge is what is going to get me results! 

Happy Living!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Couch to 5K - Week 1, Workout 2

Week 1, Workout 2 - Thursday August 16, 2012

This is the second workout to the running plan and it went relatively the same as the first one. I was still a little sore from the last workout, definitely the most in my inner thighs! Which is good, I love to feel the burn makes me think something is working! I found the time went by much faster this time around, after 25 minutes I actually found myself thinking "that's it?!" This workout was the same as the first workout, again it's all about building myself up slowly. My workout playlist definitely kept me motivated throughout! I definitely feels good to be sticking to a plan though, having the routine helps a lot for me. So far so good, and I'm looking forward to continuing!

Happy Living!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Couch to 5K - Week 1, Workout 1

Week 1, Workout 1 - Tuesday August 14, 2012

I started the Couch to 5K Running Plan today because I knew if I put it off I would just keep thinking up excuses not to start it. I generally go to the gym at night around 8 or 9, just how I've always done my workouts. Plus we usually have the gym downstairs to ourselves, which is never a bad thing! I say 'we' since my boyfriend Chris and I always workout together. It's good because we motivate each other to get up and get going. It's usually him motivating me to go but i'm sure we all have those days! To start off I did just a few easy stretches to wake up my muscles. Then I did a 5 minute warm up walk, which was easy, I had my workout playlist going which was great! Then I moved onto starting 20 minutes of alternating between a 60 second run and a 90 second walk. It was smooth sailing at the beginning, I was definitely enjoying the walking but the running after about 5 minutes was definitely straining for me. But I kept motivated and pushed through to the 25 minute mark! Then I added in a 5 minute walk at the end to cool down and get my heart rate down. Finally I finished off with some stretching. I felt great after, just knowing that it was challenging and I pushed through and finished it! I'll let myself recover for a day or two from running, but I'll still be doing weight training tomorrow night, and then on to workout 2! I'm really excited that I have made the first step in the plan and can't wait to get further!

Happy Living!

Couch to 5K

As you can tell by the title of this post this isn't one of my usual beauty reviews/hauls, but rather it is my journey to becoming more fit and healthy! I'll be one of the first people to stand up and say that I loathe running. So much so that I used to do everything in my power to avoid the running tests in high school. However when I moved out to London and saw that our apartment was fitted with a gym downstairs, I made it my goal to start exercising more. After trying everything but running, from the eliptical to walking to incline walking and not really getting the results I was looking for, I realized maybe running could be the answer. I decided in order to get the results I wanted to see I needed to actually challenge myself, rather than just playing around in my comfort zone. I knew I would really have to ease myself into it, which is why I found The Couch to 5K Running Plan to be the perfect thing. It has you working out 3 times a week for 9 weeks. I plan on adding a couple workouts in between just with weight training and toning exercises as well. The first workout begins by warming up with a 5 minute walk for  and then alternating jogging for 60 seconds and walking for 90 seconds for a total of 20 minutes. Now by no means am I planning at this stage on running a 5K or any kind of marathon in the future, I still hate running, but never say never right? I plan on keeping a log on this blog concerning my progress and if this is something you also would want to give a try leave me a comment below! It's nice to know people are going through the same thing as you!

Happy Living!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Beauty Blogger Get to Know Me Tag - Makeup and Living

I recently was reading through some blogs I follow and stumbled upon Beauty Make Up Addict's blog post and thought this would be a fun way for you guys to get to know more about me! Hope you enjoy! 

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
   My hair is naturally straight

2. What is your natural hair colour?
    Dark blonde

3. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
   I always go to a salon to get my hair colored, don't trust myself!

4. How often do you wash your hair?
    Every 2 days.

5. Do you wear the same style every day or change it?
Depends what I'm doing that day, but normally the same. I keep it pretty casual.

6. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
    I always do my own mani/pedi unless I go with a friend for a day out!

7. How often do you change your nail polish?
   I change my nail polish about once a week! It always chips on me pretty quickly!

8. Do you polish your toes in the winter or just in the summer?
    All year round, I hate having my toe nails naked!

9.  How long does it take you to put on your makeup?
I takes me 15 minutes most if I'm just doing an everyday look, but about 25 if it's for a night out!

10. What do you do first, face or eyes?
I always do my eyes first!

11. Do you "collect" makeup or just buy what you  need when you need it?
      I buy what I need when I need it. No use spending more money on stuff I don't need!

12. How often do you wear false eyelashes?
    Literally never. I've only worn them twice.

13. Do you do a full face of makeup everyday?
      Not really. If i'm going out then yes. But if i'm just around the house or running errands I just do the basics!

14. Do you wear makeup when you are home alone, or with family?
      Sometimes, depends how lazy I am that day!

 15. Will you leave the house without makeup?

 16. How many high end products do you have?
       Almost all my makeup is high end. I just never liked not being able to ask professional opinions at the drugstore. The only drugstore makeup I've tried have been mascaras, but I now use high end instead!

 17. How often do you wash your makeup brushes?
     Not as good as I should be. I do it at least once a month.

18. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you are getting dressed?
I just decide when i'm getting dressed, but I usually have somewhat of a vision in my head when I start!

19. How often do you change your handbag?
I have my one main handbag I use everyday. But I'll use a clutch or a smaller bag if we're going downtown!

20. What time do you get up and go to sleep?
At the moment I have it pretty easy, I go to sleep around 12-1 and and up around 10. But I'm up multiple times in the night no matter what!

21. How often or when do you work out?
 I try to go at least 3 times a week, but I aim for 4, but sometimes life gets in the way! And it's always at night around 830-9, since my boyfriend and I go together!

22. Left-handed or right-handed?

23. How tall are you?
    I'm 5'1.5! always need to include that half inch, especially when you're short!

24. Do you speak a foreign language?
     I used to speak spanish and some french, but after not using it in so long, I would have to say, sadly, no.

25. How many pets do you have?
I have one dog, Lucky. But he lives with my mom.

 26. How often are you on blogger?
Every day! I love to see new posts by blogs I follow and I usually will work on multiple posts at once as drafts!

27. Do you read the comments posted on blogs?
Most of the time! If there are lots on other's blogs, I usually just skim!

 28. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
Yup definitely! Don't want to forget anything

 29.  How did you come up with your blog name?
Just combined two things that I suspected I would blog about, nothing too creative!

 30. What kind of camera do you use for photographs?
I use a Panasonic DMC-TZ3, it's my step-dads old one that he was kind enough to give me! My own camera was getting a bit dingy!

 31. How often do you clean your house?
       I do a full clean once a week, but I tidy everything up every day! The clutter and mess will drive me crazy if not!

32. What is your favourite colour?
  I don't really have a favorite color to be honest. Most of the stuff I own are pink,  so that's the closest I have!

33. Do you swear?
I try my best not to, but sometimes I slip up.

35. What are you doing with the rest of your day?
      It's getting kinda late so I'll I have left to do is go to bed!

I tag everyone who wants to do this! And if you do leave a comment below and post your blog, I'd love to read it!

Happy Living!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July Julep Maven It Girl Unboxing/Review

Hi guys! Long time no blog! I'm a little late on this post since getting my July box was delayed due to a couple of issues. But it finally arrived and I was so excited for this months colors! It a got an email a week before the boxes were to be released saying they were including a special gift. Julep Maven was including special edition nail polishes for Canada Day and Independence Day, were you lived decided which one you received! I thought this was such a cute idea and made the box just a little extra special. When I got my email showcasing the nail polishes for the It Girl Box I was in love! I couldn't wait to get my box and start using these colors.

My July box was smaller this month than normal, it was thinner. Which actually was perfect because it was the perfect size to go in my mail box, meaning I didn't have to go pick it up from the post office! This months theme was "It's your time to sparkle" and it came with the quote "We need less posturing and more genuine charisma. It's about a sparkle in people that money can't buy." - Marianne Williamson. I do really enjoy reading the quotes they include, you can tell Julep Maven puts time and thought into designing each box. I loved that they kept with the Canada Day theme as well with red and white paper confetti packaging and star wrapping paper!
So now onto the nail polishes! In total I had four this month, including the free O Canada nail polish. Which is a sheer glittery polish, with red sparkles and smaller multi color sparkles as well! So pretty and I will definitely be wearing this, not only for future Canada celebrations!

Then I received Kate, which is a soft white pearl. I actually don't have a white nail polish in my collection so I was looking forward to this one for sure! It's always nice to have a good white nail polish, as it can look so classic!

I also received Daphne, which is a fresh seafoam green creme. I was looking forward to this one as well! The picture makes this look like more of a minty green, but in real life it is more of a teal color. I will be wearing this a lot, it's the perfect green that is totally wearable!

And last but certainly not least is Mila, which is a charcoal multi colored glitter. To be honest this is my favorite of the bunch! It's so pretty and I adore it!
Mila - Kate - Daphne - O Canada
All in all, I was very happy with July's Box, it being my favorite one so far! I'm looking forward to seeing what Julep Maven is going to come up with for August's Box!

- Currently I am wearing two coats Kate as a base with one coat of Mila on top! I've gotten so many compliments it's so fun and pretty!!

Happy Living!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Bigger Lush Haul

All right, so I know I just did a Lush haul a couple days ago, but I just couldn't resist going back! I convinced my boyfriend that I needed to go to Lush again, it's like an addiction. And he happily complied, and we were on our way! It just smells soo good in there, I love it! This haul is much bigger than last time, but I've been without for so long. I'm just trying to get my fix! I should be set for at least a week this time! ;)

First of all, I had to get some more bath bombs! They're just so much fun! I thought I'd let my boyfriend pick something out, and he picked Space Girl Ballistic! This smells absolutely amazing! They call it the "stellar blackcurrant-y bath time invader." I used this one last night in the bath, and the blackcurrant smell was so good, I never wanted to get out, which could be a problem haha! One of the things I loved about this one were the gold glitter on top, made the water look so sparkly and purple!
Space Girl Ballistic Bath Bomb
Then to fuel my obsession with bath bombs I picked out the most girly one they had, Mrs. Whippy! This one is so pretty! It was made to resemble a soft serve, with pink sprinkles on top! Lush calls this one an "indulgent, relaxing soaker!" It is meant to soothe dry skin by using soya milk powder, which is supposed to make the water creamy and milky. I'm definitely going to make sure I have lots of spare time to enjoy this one! 
Mrs. Whippy Bath Bomb
And I picked up Sakura to finish up my collection thus far! Sakura smells so good as well (what bath bombs don't!?) It reminds me of so much of the springtime! And that's exactly what Lush says as well, they call it a "refreshing floral dip into springtime". I have a funny feeling this may become my favorite bath bomb, it doesn't seem to be known as one of the super exciting bath bombs, but rather it is subtle and relaxing. Can't wait to try it, but I also want to save it at the same time! Even the sales girl was excited about this one as well, so that's always a good sign!
Sakura Bath Bomb
Then I had to pick up a bubble bar, I haven't had one of these in ages and it was pretty long overdue for another! I picked up Rose Jam, which is a bubbleroon, so cute! I just love how they modelled them after macaroons! I plan on splitting this one in two so that I can get two uses out of it, I'm all for saving money!
Rose Jam Bubble Bar
I also picked up the No Drought Dry Shampoo! I've been looking for a really good dry shampoo for so long now. All the ones I've tried haven't really helped my hair at all. So I am super excited to see what I think of this one! I have high hopes! I will definitely be doing a review on this soon, after I try it out for a while, so be on the lookout for that soon!
No Drought Dry Shampoo
And lastly I received a small sample of Ocean Salt! It is a coconut cream and sea salt scrub for the face and body! I'm looking forward to seeing how this is, as the sales girl told me it is super exfoliating but also super moisturizing! And interesting combination, so I'll let you know what I think!
Ocean Salt Face and Body Scrub
So as you can see I went a little crazy this time at Lush! I've got to thank Chris my boyfriend for this one! Seriously the way to a girls heart must be Lush, because who can pass up these amazing products! Let me know what your favorite Lush products are! 

Happy Living!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Small Lush Haul

Hello all! I've been dying to do a Lush haul ever since I started my blog! However, I was delayed since I needed to actually buy stuff from Lush first. So I finally went to the store today and I was way to excited, my boyfriend wasn't exactly thrilled though, but oh well! haha If I can go into countless "sports" stores, then I don't feel that bad about Lush! I haven't been to a Lush store in years, it's honestly been way too long. The last time was when I had a layover in Toronto airport, which was so well equipped with a Lush, how thoughtful! But there was never a Lush near where I lived. So when we moved to London and I realized there was one at the mall I was ecstatic! I only picked up a couple things, but trust me I will be getting much more in the near future! I'm so excited to use the Lush stuff I got though!

I picked up the Big Blue bath bomb which the sales lady told me would be like taking a bath in the ocean. Sounds good to me! It is mainly made up of lavender, lemon oil, sea salt and seaweed. I'm super excited just to see what this one is like, it smells so good already!
Big Blue Bath Bomb

I also picked up the You've been Mangoed bath melt. I've heard so many beauty bloggers rave over this, that I had to give it a try and see what all they hype was about! It mainly is made with mango and avocado butters, lemon and lime essential oils as well as lemongrass. Lush claims this as one of the most invigorating scents in the store, and I believe them. It smells absolutely amazing, and just the warmth of my hand makes it melt already! I'm looking forward to using this for sure!
You've Been Mangoed Bath Melt

I was also given a free sample of Trichomania Coconut solid shampoo. It's supposed to be their most hydrating solid shampoo, and I always need the extra moisture! It's mainly made with creamed coconut, coconut oil and vetivert oil. This smells really good, and sounds super moisturizing. If it works as good as it claims too, I will most likely be picking up the full size version!
Trichomania Coconut Solid Shampoo

Happy Living!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Marc by Marc Jacobs Sunglasses

First of all, I want to apologize for my lack of blogging lately! I've been a little busy lately and just haven't had any ideas that I wanted to blog about. So sorry about that, but I can say that my inspiration is back and I will back to blogging much more frequent now! 

Now off to what this post is really about! So on Sunday my boyfriend Chris and I went to Grand Bend, it's about a 40 minute drive to this beautiful beach town! We went up and met with some friends and just enjoyed the sun and the beach, it was so much fun! There was a small strip with tons of small stores and restaurants, we were especially drawn to the sunglasses store though. Chris has never owned sunglasses before; I know so crazy, how can one be without!? So ever since he bought a pair of Diesels a couple weeks ago, he's been on a major sunglasses kick . He had really been eyeing a super nice pair of Carreras, so he picked those up for himself! I on the other hand have always had sunglasses, but never had a really nice pair, I never spent more than $30 on one! So I absolutely fell in love with these Marc by Marc Jacobs aviator style sunglasses! 

I've always gone for oversized sunglasses, so this was really different for me! They were a bit pricey at $135, but I figured since my birthday is less than two weeks away I would count it as my birthday present to myself! I've been wearing these all the time, it's safe to say I'm obsessed!!

Happy Living! 

Monday, June 18, 2012

St. Tropez Bronzing Mousse Review

I am seriously in love! I will never ever let myself be without the St. Tropez Bronzing Mousse, honestly it's my holy grail at the moment.
Before we moved to London, back home I started getting mystic tans at the salon, it gave such quick and good results! But in London mystic tans were much more expensive than at home, so I couldn't quite justify it. Especially since it really only lasted about 3 days. I'd been eyeing the St. Tropez Bronzing Mousse for a couple of months and I finally convinced myself I had to try it! I bought it on Saturday, but since we ended up going out that night for drinks I decided to apply it Sunday night after our workout. I was so excited, that I almost forgot to take a before shot haha but I remembered right at the last moment! It's not the best quality picture, but you can tell I was pretty pale before to say the least! My boyfriend even asked me to even out his golf tan, which was perfect so I could test it out and see how it applied! It was super simple and easy, I used the St. Tropez Tanning Mitt which made the world of difference. I do recommend still wearing some gloves under the mitt, since it can seep through the mitt. It blended so well and because of the color guard you could see where you were applying and what spots you missed. It took me about 20 minutes to apply it all over my body and face. I used the latex gloves and some triangle makeup sponges to apply it to my face, I put it on just as if I was applying foundation. I let it dry for about 15 minutes and then put my pajamas on and went to sleep. Easy peasy! When I woke up I could definitely see the tan had developed but I knew that the color guard would wash off in the shower. The color turned out so nicely and it definitely looks really natural, it gives you more of a brown look rather than orange, as some self tanners can. The flash distracts from the color in the after shot but I think you can still see the difference!
There's still tons of product left as well! In order to preserve the color I've been applying the Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer as an everyday lotion, after my shower and before I go to bed. Just to keep my skin moisturized, too prolong my tan and to add a little glow as well! I'm so impressed with St. Tropez Bronzing Mousse and my only regret is not purchasing it sooner! It's a bit pricey as it was $49.50 and the Tanning Mitt was $7.50, but comparing it to most spray tans that run for about $30. It's a pretty good deal, since you'll get many applications from the St. Tropez Bronzing Mousse, not to mention the ability to do it whenever you want, in the privacy of your own home! I definitely give St. Tropez Bronzing Mousse a 10/10! I would never go back to getting spray tans now that I have St. Tropez Bronzing Mousse, and I will continue to repurchase this for sure! If you want me to do another post going in more detail exactly how I applied it, especially to my face, feet and hands just let me know in the comments! 

Happy Living!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sephora and Shoppers Drug Mart Haul

Today I set out to pick up a few things on my wish list and a few things I needed. I just went out to Sephora and Shoppers Drug Mart so here's what I picked up!
1. St. Tropez Bronzing Mousse - This is what I was most excited to go out and pick up! I've had my eye on this for a couple of months, and I finally decided to go for it! After weeks of research and seeing other's experiences with it I just couldn't not give it a try! I will definitely be doing a review of this and letting you guys know what I think and will include some before and after shots! So be on the lookout for that soon!

2. St. Tropez Tan Applicator Mitt - I bought this to go along with the bronzing mousse (of course!). Everything I read about the process said the mitt helped a lot and made it so much easier to apply and blend!

3. Life Latex Medical Examination Gloves - I bought these to use with the St. Tropez self tan, I know when applying my feet and face these will come in handy. Since it would be difficult to get to the small places with the mitt, and I don't want orange hands!

4. Quo Cosmetic Spade Sponges - I picked this up to apply the St. Tropez self tan to my face, I read that this is the easiest way to get a precise application! And tanning the face in my mind is one of the most important places!

5. Certified Organic Cotton Pads - I just picked these up as I ran out a couple days ago, and have been using toilet tissue to remove my eye makeup and it's just not as gentle! I definitely needed to pick these up again!

6. Balea Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover - I also am about to run out of this as well, so I picked up a back up, and I don't want to be without. This works so well to remove my eye makeup so easily and quickly!

Happy Living!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Grand Bend Beach!

This post today isn't beauty related, but I love being able to incorporate little snippets about my life and what I am up to. So hopefully you guys can get to know a little more about me, besides my thoughts on beauty products! My boyfriend surprised me on Tuesday with an impromptu small road trip to Grand Bend! It's about 45 minutes to an hour drive from where we live in London. It's a small beach town right on Lake Huron and it's beautiful! It wasn't the warmest day and my boyfriend had some work to do in the area so we just enjoyed the scenery and took in the beautiful beaches and stopped for a nice lunch and dinner at the Works later on! I took a few pictures that I'd love to share them with you guys! 
View of Lake Huron from the road
Grand Bend Beach
BLT and Potato and Leek Soup at Sunbaked Cafe and Bakehouse
Cracked Canoe and Moosehead Beer at the Works 
Happy Living!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

AG Color Care Sterling Silver Toning Shampoo Review

Two years ago I had a bad experience getting blonde highlights in my dark blonde hair. My hair had a brassy-orangey tinge to it, which I absolutely hated. Every time I looked in the mirror I would cringe, it was horrible! I ended up switching hair stylists, to a friend of mine I told her my problem and she said it was most likely the hair color that my previous stylist had used. However she recommended I add a new product in my routine to prevent that from ever happening again. She recommended AG Color Care Sterling Silver Toning Shampoo, it's a purple shampoo for blonde hair!
It claims to polish out brassy tones and bring out the brilliance in blonde! It can be used for silver, blonde or highlighted hair. This stuff is the best! I still regularly get blonde highlights, and I use the shampoo about twice a week; the same day I use my hydrating treatment. Since the toning shampoo can be a little drying on your hair, I like to use a super conditioning treatment to counteract it! I've been using this for about a year and a half and it has become one of my staple hair products! The days I use this I notice my blonde definitely looks brighter! I would recommend this to any blondes, especially if you dye or highlight your hair! Another thing I love about AG Hair Cosmetics is that they are cruelty free as well! I rate this product a 10/10!! I picked mine up at my hair salon, and they also can be found at Trade Secrets! Check out their website to see where you can pick yours up! 

Happy Living! 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Sorry I've been MIA!

Hello! So I feel the need to explain my absence from blogging for the past weekend! My boyfriend and I headed back to Ottawa for the weekend. I haven't said it on here before, but a month ago we moved from Ottawa, Ontario to London, Ontario and got our own apartment together! So we headed back to spend time with friends and family and it was so good to see everyone! We won't be back there for a little while so we had to make use of the time we had! Hence no new blog posts! We're back home now and I've got a few posts in mind so look forward to seeing those soon! 

Happy Living! 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

June Julep Maven It Girl Unboxing/Review

I finally received my June Julep Maven Box and I was beyond excited! Never thought I would get so excited over nail polish, but it's like getting a gift every month! Granted it's from myself, but lets not dwell on that! This is only my second box from Julep Maven, but to say i'm impressed is an understatement. I got the standard email saying what would be coming in the June It girl box and I got the option to either change my box, gift it or skip the month. I liked the colors it advertised so I decided to keep it. I was under the impression I would be getting three nail polishes and I was happy! However when I opened up my box I was so surprised! 
First I saw the card that tells you a little about the nail polishes and give a little idea/tip. Then there was a smaller card with a quote "I you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun" - Katharine Hepburn. I thought this was fitting for the theme of the It Girl box this month which is "It's time to be bold." Next I saw a gift voucher for one free nail polish from the Maven Boutique! I was so surprised to see this and can't wait to pick out another nail polish for next month! I loved this little addition to becoming a new member! 
Then I spotted the lip balm, which I also didn't expect to receive! This smells amazing, it's Vanilla Mint daylight defense with SPF 15, which is perfect for summer! Along with this I also received two pixie sticks, which I haven't had since I was younger! My boyfriend and I had one each, such a cool surprise! This was all before I even opened the nail polishes! 
They come wrapped so nicely in wrapping paper with a bow, and also in bubble wrap inside that. The colors I received this month were Morgan which is a "frosty grape purple", Sasha which is a "fresh cantaloupe creme", and Sandra which is a "friendly, frosty magenta." 
Morgan - Sasha - Sandra
To be honest, I was most looking forward to Sasha, as I've never had a color quite like this! This is definitely what I will be wearing first! And like I said in my first Julep Maven post, the nail polish quality is excellent, I'm very impressed! I do find even without a top coat it lasts at least 3 days! Julep Maven went beyond my expectations and I couldn't be more satisfied! I can't wait to try out these new colors and add them to my collection. And I'm already excited for July's box!! If you're interested in trying out Julep Maven's subscription they are offering it for quite the steal at the moment, only a penny for the intro box! All you have to do is follow this link  and enter the code "penny" at time of purchase and you're on your way! 
Happy Living!

I.C.O.N Transformational Infusion Review

Last year I never gave much thought to the health of my hair. I would torture it daily! Washing, blow drying, straightening or curling it every single day. I never did any kind of deep conditioning treatment to at least try to counter act my damage. On top of all this I do put blonde highlights in my hair as well. My hair and I weren't on especially good terms! A friend of mine was my hair stylist and she regularly scolded me on damaging my hair, and it would take me forever to grow it out if I was always trimming the dead ends! That is when she suggested I try out I.C.O.N Transformational Infusion! 
This product is a hydration treatment that claims to reverse damage, renew health and add body. All things my hair would benefit from! I use this about twice a week in place of my everyday conditioner in the shower. It's a thick cream and it smells amazing! It smells almost a bit like a cologne or aftershave, but it is oh so good! The days I use this in the shower I'm constantly smelling my hair all day! I put it on the bottom half of my hair and leave it to soak in for about 3 to 5 minutes, and then rinse it out. I find if I put it on my roots, it can weigh my hair down a bit as my hair is fine, but thick. It makes my hair so soft and I can definitely see results since I've been using it, which has been for about 5 months. It was a bit pricey, it was around $30 but one container will last me a while, I'm only about half way through so far. I would rate this product a 9/10, just because I need to be conscious to avoid my roots, but everything else about the product I love! I definitely recommend this to anyone who's hair needs a bit of extra care! 

Happy Living!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

OPI RapiDry Top Coat Review

About a year ago, I was on the hunt for a product that would make my nail polish last longer than two days without chipping. However, working as a waitress I was always constantly washing my hands and my nail polish never survived more than one shift! So I decided to try out the OPI RapiDry Top Coat. 
It was a bit pricey for my taste at around $16, so I hoped I wouldn't be disappointed. It claims to offer quick drying protection for your nails. All I can say for this product is that I noticed the quick drying, but I didn't feel like it provided all that much protection. It did create a nice shine and glossy look to my nail polish, but that's about it. I won't be repurchasing this product again, basically in my opinion it is simply an overpriced clear nail polish! I still have tons of product left, however I don't use it every time I paint my nails. I would rate this product a 2/10, I'm hesitant to give it a 2, however I did like the way it made my nail polish look right after applying it. If you have a favorite top coat that you love, let me know, as I'm on the hunt for something that works! 

Happy Living!

Monday, June 4, 2012

My Everyday Face Makeup

As most of you may know it can be a gruelling process trying to find the perfect face products for your skin. I not unlike most have gone through many, many different foundations, tinted moisturizers, concealers, you name it! After many bad makeup days, and countless money spent I believe I've finally found my perfect routine! The most important thing to finding products is to make sure they match your color, skin tone and complexion. Whether you are fair, tan, dark, have pink or golden undertones there is definitely a color out there for you, the obstacle is just finding it! The best thing you can do is go to the store and ask for a sample. This is what I found to be the best, that way you're able to test it out and apply it at home. Seeing how it wears throughout the day and how it looks it different lights! I'm going to share with you my everyday face makeup routine, bear in mind this is what works for me but may not work for everyone!

First thing I do before I start applying my face makeup is to moisturize! I cannot stress how important this is, to have a nice smooth surface, makes the world of difference! I use Nivea Soft Moisturizing Creme for face, body and hands. I have a normal complexion, so it is a thicker moisturizer and I've never had a problem with oily or dry skin! However I believe this moisturizer would work well for dry skin as well! I just apply this all over my face with clean fingers!
Nivea Soft Moisturizing Creme
My next step is to apply a primer to my face. I never used to use a primer but after getting my first sample size a couple of years ago, I always use one! I find it just creates the perfect canvass for any kind of face makeup, and allowing the makeup to stay put all day long! The primer I use is Smashbox Photo Finish Oil Free Foundation Primer! I love the way it glides over my skin and makes it so soft! I just apply this all over my face with clean fingers as well!
Smashbox Photo Finish Oil Free Foundation Primer
Then I apply my tinted moisturizer. Personally for my skin type, I don't need that much coverage on a day to day basis. Therefore I find that a tinted moisturizer evens out my skin tone and brightens it up. I use Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer Spf 20, oil free in Porcelain. It doesn't have much coverage, for example, in the summer I do get a few freckles and they are still visible. However, you are able to layer for more coverage if necessary. I apply this with a clean foundation brush all over my face, focusing on my nose, chin and forehead and blending it out! I find this lasts all day and looks the same when I put it on as it does at the end of the day!
Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer Spf 20
After I apply my tinted moisturizer I use a setting powder to finish off the look. I personally find a loose translucent powder works the best for me, as a pressed powder can end up looking cakey in the end. I use Cover Fx Translucent Setting Powder. I apply this using a large fluffy brush and apply it all over my face! A little bit of this goes a long way, my last container lasted me at least a year before I ran out!
Cover Fx Translucent Setting Powder

Happy Living!